Thursday, July 21, 2011

Galactic Superwave

Some believe that there is a high risk for a Galactic Superwave in 2012. The last galactic superwave occurred 13,000 years ago, ending the ice age and causing worldwide extinctions which nearly wiped out the human race. Mayan priests, renowned for the accuracy of their astronomical measurements and predictions, warned about this alignment between the solstice of our sun and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy where our solar system is located.

Science behind it
As we slowly move into alignment with the galactic plane in 2012 we are becoming of higher risk for galactic superwaves. On top of scientists, the mayans also warn us of this alignment witAs we slowly move into alignment with the galactic plane in 2012 we are becoming of higher risk for galactic superwaves. Scientists and Mayans warn us of the alignment with the sun solstice and the galactic center.

Galactic superwaves are believed to be explosions sent out from the center of our galaxy every 13,000 years or so. These waves are generally accompanied by electromagnetic pulse waves. These superwaves are famous for ending ice ages on our earth.aves also havWhen these explosions occur, they send out large amounts of dust which disturb the sun and cause an increase in solar activity. This increase could either dramatically heat up the surface of the earth or cause an end to an ice age, if we were in the middle of one.

Superwaves also have the power to destroy our ozone layer which would leave us vulnerable to exposure from greatly increased ultraviolet radiation from the sun. What concerns scientists most is that our sun’s solar activity is already set to peak in 2012 when they are expecting more extreme solar storms to occur. If a galatic superwave were to occur in addition to the sun's peak in activity, the result would be catastrophic.

Scientists who studied the galactic superwave which ended the last ice age also suggest that dangerous levels of ultraviolet radiation are of great concern. It has been estimated that the last galactic superwave resulted in a dose of 4 Roentgen per year. This is the maximum radiation dose humans can withstand without experiencing serious health consequences. It is fives time the maximum dosage recommended for pregnant women.oidable by simple staying indoors. Since a galactic superwave hasn't occurred in modern times it is hard for scientists to know exactly would happen since they have been able to study the effects of past superwaves very indirectly. Thus trying to predict the future outcome of such an occurrence is challenging.

The Superwave Theory - Pt.1 of 4

- Pt.2 of 4

- Pt.3 of 4

- Pt.4 of 4

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