Monday, July 11, 2011


Darkness…. and he is there… watching… waiting… wanting… you feel him… sense his approaching…

Do you see him? there… in those shadowed places… the edges where your foot never steps… where your heart races but fears to enter…

You wonder… what would it be like to explore? to be explored? in dreams perhaps… you feel this place… where his shadow sits… hungry… to be satisfied in you… only in you…

Open your eyes… and in silvered reflections see… your hair… dancing softly on your shoulders… gently resting on your breasts… gown of raven silk… drifting down your body… like water in a brook… hovering over your sensual form… made for him… mirrored reflections of you… draped in darkness…

Twelve mirrors… an eternal ring surround you… you glance into their depth… wondering who you are… wanting to be hunted… discovered… longed for above gold or power… wanting to be wanted… your name whispered on the winds… forever… for all eternity…

And now… you feel his fingers… reaching in the candlelit darkness… touching the soft, bare skin on your neck… caressing… their movement like lightning pulsing through you… shivers of pleasure rippled up and down your spine…

Your eyes now glance up… only you… no other reflection… but he is there… behind you… you feel his warm breath moving over your neck… hear the sound… like a ravenous animal… you sway… fire moving inside you… hungering for his touch…

His fingers… slide… down your body… drifting… fingertips dancing… touching… playing… holding you… for moments… you open your mouth to moan, but can only breathe the deepest sigh…

Now his fingers move softly up your dress… pressing on your body… caressing… lifting slowly… and your lips whisper… “want…” and your voice echoes… he responds… pressing up close behind you… his body warm like fire… engulfing you… nearly suffocating you in his embrace…

You sense a devouring hunger… for you… only for you… impatient… unbridled… famished… and you feel his teeth… scraping over your neck… warm song of his breath on your skin… and then… the ecstasy of being devoured as his teeth press in… you gasp… eyes closed tight… you fall back into his grasp… reach behind you… cling to him… gripping him in your hands…

In this moment you know there is no world to him but you… as he feeds upon you, drinking you in, you look upon the mirrors… see your face… filled with the deepest pleasure… see you standing alone yet no longer alone… there… in the mists of reflecting liquid light you stay… he feasts on you… wanting nothing else… no one else…

You feel his fingers unbuttoning your raven dress… wanting all of you… for his own… pressing up to you… you moan… feel every hindrance slip to the floor… you lean back… still in his grasp… your body electric as he thrusts over you… devouring you… deeper in… more and more… breathless…

You stand in reflections… mirror upon mirror… dressed only in candlelit glimmers… and satisfied beyond measure… in a room of reflections… and yours is the only one…

by Craig Froman
"Perhaps best read in the wind of whispers during a vampire dusk"

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