Monday, July 11, 2011

Ancient Aliens

Today's modern UFO's and Alien Contacts being reported have a strong similarity to the Ancient descriptions of the "anunnaki" Android Beings. When we look at the descriptions of our modern "grey alien", we can clearly see that they do not look like us, or the anunnaki. Rather, they look like the ancient humanoid depictions of Figurines. The majority of Abduction cases usually have a similar story to them in that the Aliens abducting them will perform medical experience and sometimes experiments having to do with human reproduction. When we analyze the descriptions of Aliens from people who claim to have been abducted, most of the aliens are described as being small grey beings that have large eyes, a bulbous head, and act almost "Android" like. According to a few clues scattered throughout the world, alien beings could have very likely visited the earth long ago. One clue of an ancient alien visitation is found in paintings from ancient cultures that depict strange humanoid creatures. In addition, physical evidence of an ancient alien vistation is seen in artifacts from around the world that show a use of modern technology. Furthermore, ancient markings made on fields, which indicate the use of air travel, are another set of clues that show the earth could have been visited by aliens long ago.

The Evidence - {s01e01}

On July 11, 1991, an unidentified flying object was sighted by thousands of people in Mexico City during a solar eclipse. Labeled as the largest mass UFO sighting in history, the event was captured by hundreds of people who pointed their camcorders at the eclipse. The event, which gained extensive media coverage in Mexico, was even used for the top story of Mexico's version of "60 Minutes." Since so many people had seen the strange aircraft hovering in the sky and hundreds of hours of film footage of the craft was recorded, there is an extremely high chance that advanced alien cultures are really visiting the earth. Therefore, if advanced alien civilizations are visiting us now, is there a possibility that they could have visited the earth thousands of years ago? According to a few clues scattered throughout the world, alien beings could have very likely visited the earth long ago. One clue of an ancient alien visitation is found in paintings from ancient cultures that depict strange humanoid creatures. In addition, physical evidence of an ancient alien vistation is seen in artifacts from around the world that show a use of modern technology. Furthermore, ancient markings made on fields, which indicate the use of air travel, are another set of clues that show the earth could have been visited by aliens long ago.

The Visitors - {s01e02}

The most obvious clues to an extraterrestrial visit long ago are found in the drawings of ancient cultures. One such drawing is located inside a cave in Kimberly Mountain, a peak on the western side of Australia. Haunting the surface of the cave walls are paintings of several beings with round heads and huge black eyes. Calling the figures in the paintings the Wondjina, the Aborigines consider the beings extremely sacred. The Wondjina, originally drawn in some period between ten thousand to thirty thousand years ago, bear little resemblance to any known earth creature. However, the Wondjina slightly resemble the gray type of aliens reported today by alleged alien abductees. The Wondjina and the Grays look similiar because they both have large, black eyes and a pear-shaped head. Therefore, it is possible that the Wondjina are actually aliens seen by the Aborigines a long time ago. In the Sahara desert, another strange figure painted on the wall of a cave, the "Great Martian God", is located in the Tassili mountains. It was called the "Great Martian God" because it resembled Martians found in comic books. Discovered by Henri Lhote on an expedition after World War II into the mountains, the Martian, along with similiar nearby drawings depicting space men are drawn in a much larger scale than the nearby drawings of people, animals, and ones of Egyptian influence.

The Mission - {s01e03}

John Michell writes in his book, The Flying Saucer Vision: The Holy Grail Restored, that the most striking feature of the Martian and the similiar figures were their round, inhuman heads. Michell describes the beings' heads as if "they are wearing some sort of globular helmet like a diver's." A helmet, a necessity for human space explorers to walk in space, would come in handy for an alien space traveler. Space travel, by the way, is a part of a Hopi legend; the Hopi are a once pueblo-building Native American culture living in Arizona and New Mexico. One of their petroglyphs, called the "Star- blower", tells a story of how the Hopi's ancestors had visited various worlds and traveled through endless space before reaching Earth. The petroglyph, containing several strange, unearthly figures, are very inexplicable to understand for people outside the tribe. Although the Hopi leaders are reluctant to share the details of the legend, the petroglyphs, nevertheless, show strange, possibly alien, beings performing an extraordinary ritual. The paintings of ancient cultures are not the only evidence of a potential extraterrestrial visit in the past; artifacts also give clues about a possible ancient visit by aliens.

Closer Encounters - {s01e04}

According to Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, the term artifact means "any object made by man, especially with a view to subsequent use." Several ancient artifacts found around the world appear to have been inspired by modern technology. For example, a small, toy-like, gold artifact, found in a thousand year old tomb in Columbia, was first thought to be a type of insect or a flat fish. However, Dr. Ivan Sanderson, a scientist from the United States, studied the object and said it looked too mechanical, like an airplane, to be a natural object. J.A. Ulrich, an expert on aircraft, also looked at the object and admitted that it closely resembled a Swedish SAAB jet. Since the first self-propelled, heavier-than-air craft was not invented until 1903 in North Carolina, a thousand year old jet in South America seems not possible. However, the people in Columbia could have seen a jet constructed by a highly advanced civilization, possibly an alien civilization.

The Return - {s01e05}

A similiar model aircraft was found in 1898 at an Egyptian tomb near Sakkara. Labeled as a bird, the wooden object was not studied extensively until 1969 by Dr. Khahil Messiha. The object's well engineered proportions and aerodynamic shape, according to aircraft engineers, are ideal enough for it to fly. Again, the Egyptians, like the ancient Colombian culture, could have been influenced by a technologically advanced alien society. Yet another artifact was found on a Stone Age man's neck in Ecuador. On the corpse's neck, a stone amulet shows a man standing on top of a sphere while the sun shines in the backdrop. Erich von Däniken writes in his book, In Search of Ancient Gods: My Pictorial Evidence for the Impossible, that the amulet is remarkable because pre-Inca tribes had the knowledge that they had lived on a sphere. Since it is hard to imagine a prehistoric tribe knowing about the earth's true shape, there may be a possibility that an alien culture, with a method of seeing the earth in outer space, could have shared this knowledge with the tribes. If ancient human cultures were indeed visited by extraterrestrials and unearthly spacecraft, it is possible that the people may have tried to contact the beings in the aircraft with symbols on the ground.

Mysterious Places - {s02e01}

More evidence of an ancient alien visit lies on the surface of the earth. On the plain of Nasca, south of Lima, Peru, a series of straight, parallel lines run across for miles and appear from the air to be an ancient landing ground for aircraft. According to writer Thomas Michell, the lines are extremely difficult to be seen from the ground. "It is impossible that men without aeroplanes could ever have seen them, for even from an elevation of a few hundred feet they are invisible." Since air strips were not needed until the twentieth century, the lines, assuming the pre-Inca cultures used them for landing purposes, could have been used by the aircraft of a highly advanced alien race. Also on the Nasca plain, large drawings of birds, monkeys, lizards, and insects have been sighted from high altitudes. Again, these land carvings were constructed by people of a time from around possibly fifteen centuries ago, before the formation of the Inca empire. Covering an area of sixty miles, these figures next to the mysterious lines can only be seen best from the sky. Charles Berlitz points out in his book, Mysteries From Forgotten Worlds, that the message in these prehistoric drawings "finds an echo in an ancient Peruvian tradition in a legend about the goddess Orejona landing in a great ship from the skies"; the goddess Orejona, in other words, could be interpreted as an alien being landing in its spacecraft.

Gods and Aliens - {s02e02}

Other land creations around the world also must be seen from the sky in order to make them out. For example, Dragon Hill, a round and flat, artificial mound in England, is accompanied by several chalk figures including one called the Berkshire White Horse. Like the Nasca figures in South America, the White Horse and neighboring British land markings were not only built by an ancient culture but were meant to be seen from high altitudes. Since these figures can only be seen from the sky and couldn't have been seen by the prehistoric technology, it is possible that the early inhabitants of Great Britain knew of a culture, possibly an alien culture, who had the technology to see these drawings carved into the earth. The ancient land markings, like the old paintings and artifacts, also show that the earth could have been visited by extraterrestrial life.

Underwater World - {s02e03}

As archaeologists continue to find more strange remains of ancient cultures, they may discover an important lost part of human history. Since UFOs are reported frequently in the twentieth century, they could have been also reported thousands of years ago. With clues like ancient paintings showing strange beings, old artifacts displaying modern day technology, and prehistoric land carvings waiting to be seen from the sky, there is a possibility that the ancient world could have been influenced by an advanced alien civilization.

Underground Aliens - {s02e04}

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